Silver Price vs. Gold Price Volatility

Gold silver bullion

Comparing Price Volatility 

Price volatility refers to the degree of variation in the price of an asset over time. Gold and silver have long been regarded as valuable assets due to their proven ability to preserve wealth. However, understanding the dynamics of their price volatility is essential for making informed investment decisions. 

Investors seeking to understand the relative volatility of gold and silver often turn to the beta coefficient as a key metric. Beta measures an asset’s sensitivity to market movements, providing insights into its volatility compared to a benchmark, typically a broad market index. 

By analyzing the beta coefficients of gold and silver, you can gauge how each metal reacts to market fluctuations to help you make more informed investment decisions.   

Using Beta Coefficients 

In finance, where uncertainty is ever-present, investors rely on tools to assess the volatility and risk of their investments. One prominent metric is the beta coefficient. 

Beta is a straightforward and efficient way to estimate volatility. Widely utilized by investors and analysts, beta offers valuable insights into how an asset’s price moves in relation to the broader market. Understanding beta measurements empowers investors to make informed decisions, manage risk, and build resilient portfolios in varying market conditions. 

Beta measures an asset’s return volatility compared to the overall market. It is calculated by dividing the covariance of the asset’s return by the variance of the market return. 

Formula for Beta 

β= Covariance of Stock Returns and Market Returns ÷Variance of Market Returns 

Positive Beta  

Beta measurements assess the volatility of an asset’s returns compared to the overall market. A beta value of 1 indicates that the asset’s price moves in tandem with the market. If a stock has a beta of 1.5, it is theoretically 50% more volatile than the market; if the market moves up by 1%, the stock, on average, moves up by 1.5%. 


According to some sources, Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited (HMY) has a five-year beta of 1.17 meaning it is deemed 17 percent more volatile than the market (as of May 2024). 

Negative Beta 

A beta less than 1 suggests lower volatility than the market, while a beta greater than 1 implies higher volatility. Beta is calculated using historical price data, typically over a specified period, such as one year, and is subject to limitations like sensitivity to the chosen time frame and the nature of the asset being analyzed. However, be mindful of the fact that sometimes a negative beta may mean the investment you are researching may not directly correlate with other investment types directly. 


Golden Minerals Company (AUMN) has a five-year beta coefficient of 0.34 according to some sources. This means it is considered 66% less volatile than the market (as of May 2024). 

How to Find the Beta Coefficient 

You can easily find beta coefficients online. It should be noted that you will not receive results by searching “silver beta coefficients.” You must search for a specific company. We suggest you check a few websites and sort them over five years rather than a shorter period. Look for beta measurements that are calculated monthly over the five years.  

How to Use Beta to Guide Bullion Investing 

While you cannot directly create beta data for “gold” or “silver” as overall commodities, you can compare beta information for ETFs whose underlying asset is silver or gold. This can give you an idea about the volatility of those metals. 

For example, you could look at an ETF such as SPDR Gold Shares (GLD). It has a five-year beta of 0.14, which is rather low compared to the broader market. Or for silver, you could look at iShares Silver Trust (SLV), which has a five-year beta of 0.32, showing that silver pricing may be more volatile than gold. 

Remember, that beta coefficients are just one tool to use to help you make informed investment decisions. We suggest you use multiple tools and consult with your financial advisor before making significant investments. 

What Causes Volatility? 

When comparing the price volatility of gold and silver, many other factors come into play: 

Market Demand 

Gold typically enjoys greater market stability due to its status as a safe-haven asset. During times of economic turmoil or geopolitical uncertainty, investors flock to gold, stabilizing its price. In contrast, silver, while also considered a safe-haven asset, is more influenced by industrial demand. This dual role can contribute to greater price volatility in silver, especially during periods of economic expansion or contraction. 

Industrial Use 

Silver’s significant industrial applications, including electronics, solar panels, and medical devices, expose it to fluctuations in industrial demand. Economic downturns or shifts in manufacturing trends can impact silver prices more profoundly than gold, which is primarily valued for its monetary and ornamental purposes. 

Supply Dynamics 

Disruption in the supply chain can happen for both metals. Sometimes, there may be unpredictable interruptions. Supply can be impacted by occurrences such as mining strikes, natural disasters, political unrest, market sentiment, and more. Price changes may occur even if investors “think” that a disruption may occur. 

In general, prices tend to fall if supply increases. Conversely, prices tend to rise if supply is unable to keep up with demand, like most commodities. 

Speculative Activity 

Gold and silver markets are subject to speculative activity, which can exacerbate price volatility. The influx of speculative investors, such as hedge funds and institutional traders, can lead to short-term price swings based on market sentiment, economic data releases, or geopolitical events. 

Historical Price Volatility of Gold and Silver 

While gold and silver offer unique investment opportunities, understanding their respective price volatility is crucial for investors. Gold’s stability as a safe-haven asset contrasts with silver’s susceptibility to industrial demand and speculative activity. By analyzing these factors, investors can make informed decisions when incorporating precious metals into their investment portfolios. 


Gold has a long history as a store of value and a medium of exchange, dating back thousands of years. Over the centuries, gold has maintained its appeal as a safe-haven asset during times of economic uncertainty and geopolitical turmoil. Its scarcity, durability, and universal acceptance have contributed to relatively stable price movements over the long term. However, gold prices can still experience significant volatility in the short term, influenced by factors such as interest rates, currency fluctuations, and investor sentiment. 


Silver, like gold, has been valued for its monetary properties throughout history. However, silver also has extensive industrial applications, from electronics to healthcare. This dual role exposes silver prices to fluctuations in investment demand and industrial usage. As a result, silver prices can exhibit greater volatility than gold, particularly during periods of economic expansion or contraction when industrial demand fluctuates. 

Examining historical price data reveals patterns of volatility for gold and silver. While both metals have experienced periods of price stability, they have also undergone significant fluctuations driven by various economic and geopolitical factors. 

During times of crisis or market turmoil, such as the global financial crisis of 2008 or the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, gold has often served as a reliable safe haven, leading to relatively stable prices or even price increases. In contrast, silver prices can be more reactive to shifts in industrial demand, resulting in sharper price swings during periods of economic uncertainty. 

Comparison and historical analysis of the price volatility of gold and silver provide valuable insights for investors seeking to understand these precious metals’ behavior as investment assets.  

While gold demonstrates greater stability, often serving as a safe haven during times of economic uncertainty, silver’s dual role as both a monetary metal and an industrial commodity leads to higher volatility, particularly influenced by shifts in industrial demand.  

Understanding these dynamics allows investors to make informed decisions, recognizing the unique risk-return profiles of gold and silver within their investment portfolios. By considering historical trends alongside current market conditions and broader economic factors, investors can navigate the complexities of the precious metals market with confidence and prudence. 

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