
Coin Shops in Pueblo

If you are looking to buy, sell or trade Gold or Silver in Pueblo, APMEX has compiled a list of the top bullion dealers and coin shops in the area. Below is a list of some popular coin dealers in the Pueblo area:

J & J Coins and Vintage

J&J Coins and Vintage is a coin shop based out of Pueblo that sells both in person and online. This dealer lists things it has a high inventory of online, but they have rarer numismatic coins and other low-volume offerings only for people that come into the brick and mortar or inquire directly. They are standing members of the ANA and buy much of their stock in volume.

addres 123 E Abriendo Ave ,Pueblo, CO 81004
phone (719) 564-8099

Pocket Change

Located in the heart of Pueblo, Pocket Change buys and sells Gold and Silver, rare and collectible coins, bullion and fine jewelry. Closed on Sundays and Mondays, they also offer proofing and grading services.

addres 124 S Union Ave ,Pueblo, CO 81003
phone 719-545-2646