What Makes a Self-Directed IRA different from a traditional IRA
A Self-Directed Individual Retirement Account differs from a regular IRA by giving investors the freedom to choose among approved physical products while still taking advantage of a traditional IRA’s tax benefits. These products include Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, real estate, and cryptocurrency.
Limitations of an SDIRA
While an SDIRA provides more control and freedom in selecting your investment vehicles, there are still limits and rules which must be adhered to. These are the same rules that govern traditional IRA’s, including the necessary roles of a Trustee, who is approved to administer the IRA, a Custodian, who stores the Precious Metals for the IRA, as well as a Broker, who sells physical metals to the Custodian.
What can I add to my Self-Directed IRA?
Precious Metals eligible for a Self-Directed IRA include 99.5% Fine Gold, 99.95% Fine Platinum and Palladium, and 99.9% Fine Silver. These cannot be Precious Metals you owned before setting up the IRA or collectible items.
With any IRA, you will need a Trustee, Custodian, and Broker to maintain a tax-advantaged status. Prepare for your future and read about Gold IRA’s today.