While a release date has not been set for the 2024 American Silver Eagles, it is expected to be announced in early 2024. If you follow us on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, keep an eye on your feed in January and February.
When were the 2023 Silver Eagles Announced?
The 2023 American Silver Eagles were announced on February 28, 2023. The Brilliant Uncirculated (BU) Silver Eagles were announced on May 25.
Demand for 2023 Silver Eagles was High
The year 2023 saw a continuation following 2022, in which demand for Silver Eagles was inordinately high due to several issues.
The Pandemic Impacted Silver Demand in 2022
From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, silver was highly sought after, which did little to ameliorate an U.S. mint supply chain that was already limited.
Keeping Up with Demand
Amid high demand, the U.S. Mint was unable to ramp up silver production like private mints were able to do. If the Mint had been able to increase Silver Eagle production, there was still an issue with the silver supply chain, which resulted in fewer silver planchets and higher premiums.
Increased Industrial Use
A third issue that affected the availability and demand for Silver Eagles was global trends using greater amounts of silver. Industries like consumer electronics consumed a greater amount of silver due to the remote work transition. Growing infrastructure around 5G and an emerging green economy that relies on silver for photovoltaic (PV) panels contributed to the rise of industrial demand for silver.
Silver Eagle Premiums Soared to New Highs in 2023
All of the above pushed the premium of Silver American Eagles to new highs in both 2022 and again in 2023. The 2023 Silver Eagle premiums have reached higher than 70%, and the demand for Eagles is not expected to fall in 2024.