
Coin Shops in Salem

If you are looking to buy, sell or trade Gold or Silver in Salem, APMEX has compiled a list of the top bullion dealers and coin shops in the area. Below is a list of some popular coin dealers in the Salem area:

Capital Coin Co.

Capital Coin Co. buys, sells, trades and appraises U.S. coins, currency and bullion. This dealer buys Gold, Silver and Platinum jewelry as well as sterling silverware and other alloys.

addres 4670 Commercial St. ,SE Salem, OR 97302
phone 503-588-1280

Tipton’s Coins

Tipton’s Coins, Cards & Jewelry is a buyer and seller of collectibles, including bullion and coins. They stock coins including Philharmonics, Eagles and more as well as bullion in bars.

addres 285 Liberty St. NE #220 ,Salem, OR 97301
phone (503) 581-5120