
Coin Shops in Erie

If you are looking to buy, sell or trade Gold or Silver in Erie, APMEX has compiled a list of the top bullion dealers and coin shops in the area. Below is a list of some popular coin dealers in the Erie area:

Erie Gold Exchange

Erie Gold Exchange is a store dedicated to jewelry and coins, and they buy and sell Precious Metals in many different forms. This dealer has an X-ray fluorescence machine for easy and fast appraisal of the Gold, Silver or Platinum content in a piece of jewelry, coin or bullion. They sell through both their storefront and their eBay store.

addres 2256 West 8th Street ,Erie, PA 16505
phone (814) 878-0003

Dempsey & Baxter

The Dempsey and Baxter families have been in business together for over 40 years. This jewelry store has an extensive inventory that features tons of jewelry in Gold, Silver and Platinum. They keep rare and numismatic coins and have sold such rarities as the 1913 V-Nickel and the 1999 Penny/Dime Mule. Stock changes often for both rare coins and investment-grade Gold and Silver.

addres 6032 Peach Street ,Erie, PA 16509
phone (814) 825-7690