Silver Price Predictions for 2030 

Silver Price Predictions for 2030

In 2024, silver reached its highest spot price in over a decade. So far, in 2025, it continues to rise. What will silver reach by 2030? We’ve compiled a few different predictions from market experts about what they expect we’ll see in the next few years. It’s impossible to be 100% correct on what will happen, as the price of silver is influenced by various factors: supply, demand, politics, climate, and inflation. Any of those factors could drastically change, impacting the silver market. Despite these possibilities, many market experts are optimistic that silver will eventually reach between $60-$75 per ounce. Their predictions are based heavily on historical trends and the bullish market in recent years.

Popular Predictions 

We’ve compiled a list of the top ten silver price predictions for 2030 from market analysts, investment firms, precious metal dealers, online forums, and more. 

  1. Financial analyst Julian Wee at UBS Global Wealth Management suggests that silver is well on its way to increasing in price due to the rising cost of gold and the expected increase in demand for silver due to the growing solar panel industry. This outlook is one shared by many, including the renowned Silver Institute. Wee didn’t specify a price range by 2030 but is optimistic for a steep climb. 
Coin Price Forecast Chart
  1. Coin Price Forecast speculates silver will reach $75 by the end of 2030, which seems to be a reasonable trend that most analysts and investors agree with. Price Chart
  1. posted this chart with predictions for 2025-2030 using their AI-driven prediction calculator. Their program analyzes historical prices and current market trends and then produces a chart with its predictions based on the period you input. Their predictions are far higher than most experts are saying. According to Gold IRA Explained, they also predict a rather steep jump to $330 per ounce in 2030. These high prices are not a commonly shared opinion, and many criticize the programs used to generate these predictions as wildly inaccurate, causing a great deal of discord in online forums. 
Traders Union Chart
  1. Traders Union posted a much more conservative prediction, with silver already exceeding $32 in early 2025. 
  1. BTCC, a cryptocurrency exchange, predicts that “Silver will start 2030 at $75.82, then soar to $76.91 within the first half of the year, and finish 2030 at $81.24.”  
  1. Investing Cube predicts ”XAG/USD may break above its 2011 all-time high of $50.” However, current trends in 2025 indicate that silver may reach $50 by the end of the year, so this prediction is likely too conservative for 2030. 
  1. The Minerals Council of Australia suggests silver prices may increase by 27% due to increased demand for electronics and solar cells. 
Commodity Markets Outlook Price Chart
  1. These recent predictions are stark in contrast to the Commodity Markets Outlook by the World Bank in 2018, which predicted silver would drop to $13.42 per troy ounce in 2030. 
  1. Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, predicted silver would surge between $100 and $500 in 2025-2027. Several podcasts and YouTube personalities have criticized this outlandish prediction. 
  1. Posts across online forums and social media make even wilder predictions for 2030: some say triple digits, some say down to $13, or even $1,000

As you can see, predictions for silver in 2030 are all over the place. The consensus shows that it will likely top out around $80-$85, but only time will tell the actual price. Let’s look at some of the factors influencing these predictions to understand better how these analysts and experts came to these conclusions. 

Historical Trends 

Silver Spot Price In Recent Years 

InvestingHaven price chart

In the chart above from, the silver price from 1975-2024 indicates a bullish “cup and handle formation” with a trend toward a higher resolution. This formation tells traders and investors that they should probably stop buying once the price exceeds the upper trendline of the “handle” part of the pattern, where the curve begins to go back down. Many experts and investing websites have referenced this chart, as InvestingHaven is known to be accurate with its predictions.  

2024 was a year of unprecedented growth for silver. Still, the uncertainty around newly elected President Donald Trump put the markets in a state of panic with his proposed tariffs on precious metals. Gold and silver both surged significantly in response in January 2025, with the former reaching a new all-time high of $2,798.24 and silver expected to follow suit in the coming months.  

Historically, the highest price of silver was in 1980 at $49.95. The closest it reached that peak was in 2011, when it reached $49.51. Most experts agree that we will see $50 per ounce for silver before 2030, perhaps as early as the end of 2025 or early 2026, due to the bullish market trends and pressure from investors to buy before the proposed tariffs go into effect.  

The Gold to Silver Ratio 

Gold to Silver Ratio

Many industry experts point to the gold-to-silver ratio as the primary indicator of silver’s price prediction. Gold steadily increased for quite some time, and silver followed closely. The idea of the ratio is that the wider the ratio, the more undervalued silver will be compared to gold. Typically, the ratio ranges between 50 and 70, so investors watch for it to hit around 80 before buying. Some investors argue that the ratio standard should be 16:1 because, according to geological surveys, there is 16 times more silver in the Earth than gold.   

Will Silver Reach $100 Per Ounce? 

The CEO of First Majestic Silver, Keith Neumeyer, predicts that the price of silver could reach $100 per ounce in the coming years. He’s been predicting this target for some time, leading to the moniker “triple-digit silver guy” on some forums. However, he maintained this prediction as recently as November 2024 due to the recent bullish market trends and the cycle compared to 2000 when the price was up significantly. Some experts, including Peter Krauth of Silver Stock Investor, agree with his prediction.  

Silver Price Prediction
Kitco’s predictions for silver price by 2030 

However, many experts, including analyst firms such as InvestingHaven and Kitco, are leaning toward a conservative view of reaching closer to $50 per ounce in the next year and around $80 by 2030. 

Factors Influencing Predictions 

Green Technology 

One of the largest leading sources of these predictions is the recent reports and projected forecast of silver production. With the world pushing green technology such as solar power and electric vehicles, the Silver Institute predicts the following amounts of silver will be used by 2030: 

  • 820 million ounces of solar energy applications 
  • 725 million ounces in electric vehicle applications 
  • 19 million ounces in nuclear power applications 


Percentage of Gross Domestic Product

The Congressional Budget Office published a recent report with the following projections for 2030, all of which could play significant roles in the price of silver: 

  • Budget: The deficit is predicted to rise to an average of $1.3 trillion by 2030, rising from 4.6% in gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020 to 5.4% by 2030. 
  • The federal debt held by the public is expected to grow from 81% of GDP in 2020 to 98% by 2030, the highest percentage since 1946. 
  • Economic growth is only projected to grow at an annual rate of 1.7% from 2021-2030. 
  • The interest rates on 10-year Treasury notes are expected to reach 3.1% by 2030. 

Silver Deficit 

Silver Deficit Chart

According to the most recent World Silver Survey by the Silver Institute, the deficit is in its fourth consecutive year as of 2024. Demand grew by 1.21 billion ounces for the year, while the supply from the mines only rose by 1%. 

Mexico Silver Production

One factor influencing the silver deficit is the decline of silver production in Mexico, the world’s largest silver-producing country. A four-month strike in 2023, multiple mine closures, and increasing low-grade ores contributed to the decrease. According to a technology podcast called Ahead of the Herd, Mexico could potentially deplete its silver supply entirely by 2026 at its current output rate.

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