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Coin Type – Lions Club International – 2017

Coin Type - 2017 Lions Club International commemorative silver coin.

The United States Congress authorized Public Law 112-181 which stated that the United States Mint would strike a Commemorative Silver Dollar coin to honor the Lions Club, the international community service organization. The Lions Club is one of the world’s largest of these organizations with operations in more than 200 countries and well-over 1 million members. The coin was issued to mark the Centennial of its founding in 1917 by a Chicago businessman.  

Artistic Infusion Program (AIP) artist, Joel Iskowitz, who designed many coins and medals for the United States Mint, designed the obverse of the coin, which was engraved by Joe Menna, the current Chief Engraver at the US Mint. The obverse has two main subjects that it depicts: a portrait of Melvin Jones, who founded the Lions Club, and a representation of their international logo of the profile of a lion’s head. The logo contains the words “LIONS INTERNATIONAL” with a large “L” in the center. Above the portrait and logo is the word “LIBERTY.” One the lower periphery is the date “2017,” and the motto “IN GOD WE TRUST.” To the left of Mr. Jones’ portrait is his name and title “MELVIN JONES FOUNDER.” 

The reverse was designed by another AIP artist, Patricia Lucas-Morris and sculpted by the US Mint’s sculptor-engraver Don Everhard. It features a male lion, a female lion, and a lion cub, with a world globe behind them to signify the international nature of this organization. Around the upper periphery is “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,” and on the lower periphery is the phrase “CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF SERVICE.”  

(A 2017-P Lions Club International Commemorative Silver Dollar, Uncirculated, Obverse [left], Reverse [right].) 

The coin was struck in both an Uncirculated finish as well as a Proof finish. Both versions were struck at the Philadelphia Mint. The legislation provided for a maximum authorized mintage of up to 400,000 coins across both types. The Uncirculated version sold 17,247 while the Proof version sold 68,519 coins.  

(A 2017-P Lions Club International Commemorative Silver Dollar, Proof, Obverse [left], Reverse [right].) 

The coins were sold individually, and a striking ceremony was held at the Philadelphia Mint in November of 2016. The surcharge proceeds were intended to support the Lions Club International organization’s aims and goals.  

Date Mintmark Denomination Type Mintage Value 
2017 Silver Dollar Uncirculated 17,247 $70 
2017 Silver Dollar Proof 68,519 $80 

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