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A Historic First: APMEX MintDirect® and PCGS Collaboration

APMEX extends MintDirect Premier Program with Exclusive PCGS Partnership

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (November 11, 2019) ⁠— In a historic first, APMEX has partnered with PCGS, one of the most trusted names in numismatics, to add more value to the popular MintDirect® Premier program for the 2020 American Silver Eagles launch.

After carefully vetting the APMEX MintDirect® Premier process, PCGS stands behind APMEX’s guarantee that these coins were shipped from the U.S. Mint within the first 30 days. As a result, any 2020 MintDirect® Premier American Silver Eagles submitted to PCGS for certification will meet the strict requirements to qualify for the highly desirable FirstStrike® designation.

All 2020 APMEX MintDirect® Premier with PCGS FirstStrike® American Silver Eagles will now be eligible for the elite FirstStrike® attribution if submitted to PCGS for grading in sealed APMEX MintDirect® Premier with PCGS FirstStrike® packaging.

“PCGS is delighted to be partnering with APMEX on their latest innovative product offering. As two of the companies in the hobby most synonymous with consumer confidence and dependability, we believe this is a partnership designed to better serve collectors for years to come,” says PCGS President, Brett Charville.

This partnership with PCGS brings added value to the popular MintDirect® Premier product, as MintDirect® Premier 2020 American Silver Eagles in their sealed packaging will remain eligible for the FirstStrike® designation if submitted to PCGS for grading long after new FirstStrike®-eligible coins are typically off the market. Previously, coins had to be stored in sealed monster boxes in secure, PCGS-approved storage locations since before the FirstStrike® deadline to qualify for this designation.

“PCGS is one of the most respected names in the industry, and we’re very excited to partner with them to offer our customers the added value of FirstStrike® eligibility on MintDirect® Premier Silver Eagles. PCGS FirstStrike® certified coins are among the most popular graded products, and the verification that our process meets PCGS’s strict standards for this designation provides an additional layer of assurance for our customers, regardless of whether they intend to submit their coins for grading,” says Kyle Klosinski, Senior Product Manager at APMEX.

For a limited time, PCGS is also offering free Silver Collectors Club Memberships, valued at $69, on all submissions of sealed APMEX MintDirect® Premier with PCGS FirstStrike® tubes and boxes, making it an ideal choice for novice and advanced collectors alike.

The APMEXclusive® MintDirect® program offers customers a guarantee that their coins have not been searched, handled or cherry-picked before purchase. MintDirect® products are taken directly from U.S. Mint-sealed boxes and sealed in protective, tamper-evident packaging.



Since opening our doors in 2000, APMEX remains one of the largest sources in the Precious Metals industry. Over the last two decades, we have sold more than 165 million ounces of Gold and Silver in more than 60 countries around the world. For additional information, visit or call (800) 375-9006.

About Professional Coin Grading Service

Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS) represents the industry standard in third-party coin authentication and grading. Since 1986, PCGS has examined and certified over 42.5 million coins, medals, and tokens with a combined value of over $36.1 billion. For more information about PCGS products and services, including how to submit your coins for authentication and grading, visit or call PCGS Customer Service at (800) 447-8848.